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is that you?

December 16, 20231 min read

Wishing you a regenerative rest as we wind down 2023!!

... Picture this: Mouth agape, dental instruments digging away, and tears dripping down my cheeks at the dentist's office...

I wasn't crying over a painful teeth cleaning, though.

My dental hygienist had me in stitches with her hilarious online dating adventures.  

... She goes to a bar, but he stands her up.

As she's ready to leave, an old guy on the bar stool says, "Aren't you going to say hello?"

--- "You?! You don't look anything like your picture profile!" (older, balder, rounder).

Her lesson? Ask for a RECENT photo.  

Yet "masquerades" show up at work, too.

We pretend to be someone we're not.

"I put on my mask in the parking lot," a leader recently told me.

👇 6:30 am "Breakfast of Champions" and work buddies! 👇

I've been guilty of that, too.

But it's not worth the cost to our mental health.

Time to unmask unrealistic, unhealthy expectations.

Let's inspire each other to let your true Essence shine through.  

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Janet Macaluso

Janet Macaluso, Ed.M., MSOD, CPC works with successful midlife Change Makers to help transform their success to significance. As a previous executive of leadership, learning, and organization design functions, Janet has equipped thousands of global leaders to grow and evolve their leadership, businesses, and causes. Her unique anti-hero approach combines modern science and ancient wisdom to navigate constant change in flux. In addition to breaking the spell of the "old story," Janet is keenly interested in a regenerative, interconnected, nonviolent future. Her deep and broad experience includes: ▫️Masters in Education, Harvard ▫️MS in Organization Development, Pepperdine ▫️Organization Design ️️Advanced Certificate, USC ▫️BRAINZ Top 500 in 2021 ▫️Certified High-Performance Coach ▫️Certified Tiny Habits Coach ▫️Certified Immunity2CHANGE Facilitator ▫️Certified Professional Retirement Coach ▫️Certified Search Inside Yourself Facilitator ▫️Certified HeartMath Facilitator

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