about janet

I've invested decades learning what works and what doesn't - so you won't have to.

Janet's deep and broad experience includes:

▫️ Masters in Education, Harvard

▫️ MS in Organization Development, Pepperdine

▫️ Organization Design ️️Advanced Certificate, USC

▫️ BRAINZ Top 500 in 2021 and 2022

▫️ Certified High-Performance Coach

▫️ Certified Tiny Habits Coach

▫️ Certified Immunity2CHANGE Facilitator

▫️ Certified Professional Retirement Coach

▫️ Certified Search Inside Yourself Facilitator

▫️ Certified Energy Leadership Master Practitioner

▫️ Certified HeartMath Facilitator

I help Leaders, Teams and Change Makers gain insight to elevate and innovate. We create a space to develop new thinking processes and practices with my proprietary technology to:

... break automatic, outdated habits

... design new patterns and new worlds

... eliminate energy-draining waste

... design transformational change

... diagnose challenges, conflicts, mysteries, messes

... deliver exceptional systemic results

As a previous executive of leadership, learning, and organization design functions, I've equipped thousands of global leaders to grow their leadership, businesses, and causes.

Yet I've reinvented my traditional follow-the-guru, textbook approach and replaced it with a unique technology that combines modern science and ancient wisdom.

It's a conscious-building methodology because there's no playbook or textbook to navigate constant change and flux.

I've spent 7- years learning Regenerative Business at the Carol Sanford Institute in the following groups:

▫️The Change Agent Development Community

▫️Regenerative Business Development

▫️The Regenerative Women Entrepreneurs

▫️The Regenerative Educator

▫️The Regenerative Business Development Community

Build a Value Creating Team

An Anti-Hero Approach to ConsensUS

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*In Coherent* Work, Wellness, and Worth.

I'll share what I'm learning, un-learning, and occasional invitations,

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