Today's crises are rooted in an invisible trap...

A Developmental Debt Crisis.

They're an invitation to move from seeing ourselves

as the source of change to becoming

Enablers of Evolution.

Is Your Leadership Strategy Creating Developmental Debt?

Here's how to evolve capacity.

Learning2LEAD Within

A 6-month Private, Structured Development Process

(1-on-1 Executive Leaders or with 2 partners )

Learning2LEAD Beyond

Systemic Organizational Change

(Leaders, Teams, Organizations )

Learning2LEAD Within™ is for individual senior leaders or partners ready for their next-stage potential. Redesign, reinvent, and regenerate the BEST version of your Self and System.


Learning2LEAD Within™ is a custom designed “Grow-With-You” leadership development process. It's an anti-hero approach to Change Leadership for those seeking to...

  • See new potential vs reactive fire-fighting

  • Work systemically vs in piecemeal fragments

  • Think at a higher order vs generic best practices

  • Play a deeply meaningful role vs an autopilot job

  • Champion deep change vs quick fix bandaids

Who’s it for?

Conscious-leaning C-level executives, leaders, partners, change agents and entrepreneurs seeking a Developmental approach to growth.

Rather than focusing on "self" improvement, we aim for Self & Systems development -- growing ourselves on behalf of developing our people, product and processes.

So ask yourself if you're...

  • Ready to grow on behalf of developing your system?

  • Seeking to evolve to your Best Future Self Now?

  • Frustrated by outdated off-the-shelf training?

Who’s it NOT for?

Learning2LEAD Within™ is not suitable for old-school, "traditional" organizations, leaders, and teams who prefer to outsource their development to an external expert or guru, relying on a set of best practices that worked in a different context. If you are not ready to challenge outdated paradigms and embrace transformative change, this may not be the right fit for you.

The Promise?

Learning2LEAD Within™ is a customized approach to helping you with your specific aims, issues and context in 6 months or less:

  • Diagnose Blindspots: Address challenges, conflicts and messes within yourself and/or system

  • Shift Paradigms: Transition from automatic, outdated thinking to value-adding processes

  • Deepen Reflection: Critically assess the inner and outer workings of yourself and organization

  • Navigate Conversations: Manage tough conversations, crucial for transformational change and strategic alignment

  • Eliminate Waste: Reduce energy-draining waste, optimizing efficiency within a regenerative framework

  • Transform Success to Significance: Uplevel your leadership, team and organization

How we work?

~ FOCUS: Regenerate MY Thinking and Paradigms

→ See hidden patterns and untapped potential revealing blindspots, motivators, and possibilities through the 4-month Learning2Lead Within™.

The Process?

→ Start with an "Are We a Fit?" call and if yes...

→ Agree on Aims and Desired End State

→ Meet 2x/per month for Zoom calls -- 1.5 - 2 hours

Sessions are custom-designed, not a blank-slate agenda

Then what?

After working 4 - 6 months together, we will agree to...

→ Move to Learning2Lead Beyond

→ Continue working 1-on-1

→ Regenerative Leadership Hiking Retreat™ in Southern Spain

→ Lead On!

Learning2LEAD Beyond™ is for leadership teams (3+) Seeking the space and a structured process to work together to become what you know your organization can be.


After completing Learning2LEAD Within™, we'll decide together if it makes sense to work with your team to apply regenerative practices for exceptional results in your organization.

Who's it for?

Small leadership teams seeking a structured approach to developing capability, culture and consciousness based on a time-tested regenerative change theory. This is a Developmental approach to Self and Systems actualization.

So ask yourself if you're ready to ...

  • Discover possibilities and untapped potential

  • Reveal blindspots and hidden patterns

  • Uplevel your products, processes and people

  • Displace outdated or extractive processes

  • Deeply engage with your people, customers and stakeholders

Who’s it NOT for?

Learning2LEAD Beyond™ is not suitable for "traditional" leaders who prefer to outsource their development to an external expert. The aim is to develop internal capabilities such as critical thinking, self management and a systemic perspective. If you are not ready to exchange outdated paradigms for transformative change, this may not be the right fit.

How we work?

~ FOCUS: Evolve Our Thinking, Paradigms and Processes

Teams apply Systemic Thinking Frameworks to self-assess, design and apply innovative processes to their unique context, real-time. You will be working on creating higher orders of performance.

This is the HIGHEST level of access to Janet and where the BIGGEST Transformations happen — where you learn how to successfully and simultaneously transform your product, process and people.

Typical topics include:

  • Strategic Direction

  • Market Leadership

  • Organization Design

  • Organization Development

  • Value Adding Processes

The Process?

→ Start with an "Are We a Fit?" call and if yes...

→ Agree on Aims and Desired End State

→ Meet 2x/per month for Zoom calls -- 1.5 - 2 hours

Sessions are custom-designed, not a blank-slate agenda

Then what?

Regenerative Leadership Hiking Retreat™ in Southern Spain

Regenerate the Enterprise: Move forward and across your organization. Develop leaders to become Developmental ReSources to others and teams as they learn in the flow-of-work. The aim is to grow leaders at all levels -- consciously, sustainably, and systemically.

→ Build Change Leadership Capabilities: Develop internal change agents through a structured (self) reflection journey about the inner and outer workings of the organization. Recommit to the best version of ourselves as leaders, teams, and organizations, and operate at the highest level.


6-Month Learning Community

We work systemically to clarify your next-stage role and contribution with more discernment and consciousness than ever before.

Develop the personal capabilities needed to evolve yourself, your people, places, and causes.

Together, with a small cohort of like-minded professionals, you'll learn powerful processes:

  • develop new capabilities and your leadership legacy

  • think and speak precisely about the important decisions

  • listen to yourself and others more deeply

  • build the competence and confidence to successfully lead the change you want to see in your world

Expand your view beyond current thinking, and interact in ways that traditional personal and leadership training can’t offer.


Our Developmental approach builds the capability

to simultaneously and successfully focus on...

... Being and Becoming

... Problems and Potential

... Outer and Inner Capabilities

... Self and Systems Actualization

*Based on a successful 60-year track record that includes: P&G, Colgate, Dupont, Google Food Lab, Seventh Generation, Babson, Harvard

Clients Testimonials



Client 1

"This leadership path has been so impactful. Janet is one of the few people who can tie together cutting-edge methods and make them so practical. The powerful frameworks gave clarity to the role and importance of leadership. I'm seeing the valuable contribution our leaders can make to our people and the bigger system."


Cindy Reiss-Clark
Chief Commercial Officer, SVP West Pharmaceuticals

Client 2

"Janet absolutely nailed it with her Best Future Self Now. With a Ph.D. and years of executive leadership positions, I never expected to uncover deep insights into my life, leadership, and future. She challenged my thinking and motivated me to consider an even higher level of impact."


Sam Cimitan, Ph.D.,
CEO Celonic

Client 3

"Janet has made a lasting impression on my personal leadership, my businesses, and charities. I’ve spent tens of thousands on training programs for myself and my employees over the years. But your regenerative approach made the most lasting impact."


Ray Ciccolo
Founder and CEO Village Motor Group

Client 3

"Janet, as part of your Best Future Self Master Mind, I now see details I missed before, like being a victim, villain and victor. I'm now designing my future decade like you've done. You're a great model for living leadership."


Luz Elena Zuluaga
Spanish Professor

Client 3

"I went from the backroom to the courtroom thanks to Janet helping me build influence and find my leadership."


James A. Rice
Attorney At Law

Client 3

"Janet has a broad and deep understanding of what it takes to succeed in work and life. But, what really sets her apart is her dedication to evolving leadership so that we develop our own, and others, abilities to co-create a world in which we all can thrive."


Karryn Olson-Ramanujan
President, Regenpreneurs, and Permaculture Entrepreneur

Client 3

"As someone with a strong consulting background, I have extremely high expectations about business and leadership development. With the Best Future Self Now content and lively interactions, my high expectations were met!"


Kleigh Heather
Digital Transformation Leader

Client 3

"Janet has been one of the very few trusted advisors I’ve relied on to build my organization. The regenerative approach helped me become a better leader (and person)."


Jonah H. Jacob
President, Science Research Laboratory Inc

Client 3

"When I signed up to work with you, I didn’t expect to learn so much about my own development given my education and profession. But WOW, it was eye-opening to assess my thinking and to find new ways to grow. I’m now ready for your Third Line Mastermind, please!"


Daphne Rulf,
M.D., Ph.D

Why me? Why you?

As a previous corporate executive with 30 years experience in leadership, learning, and organization design, I know firsthand that most coaches offer a copy-paste, off-the-shelf approach.

Although development was the goal, it was disappointingly rare. So after decades of learning and unlearning, I joined the Great Resignation (or Great Regeneration!) and founded Learning2LEAD.

I've designed my meaningful purpose and role to help midlife professionals build their leadership and life legacy.

After investing decades learning what works and what doesn't - so you don't have to, I now help conscious-leaning, Practical Visionaries seeking their next-stage role and contribution - professionally and personally.

I’ve served leaders, and Change Makers at all levels. Yet my most impactful work is with future-focused leaders, founders, doctors, consultants and academics seeking to design their leadership, life and legacy.

My deep and broad experience includes:

▫️ Masters in Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education

▫️ Master of Science, Organization Development, Pepperdine University

▫️ Advanced Certificate in Organization Design, University of Southern California

▫️ BRAINZ Top 500 in 2021 and 2022

▫️ Certified Professional Coach, IPEC

▫️ Certified High-Performance Habits Coach

▫️ Certified Tiny Habits Coach

▫️ Certified Immunity2CHANGE Facilitator

▫️ Certified Professional Retirement Coach

▫️ Certified Search Inside Yourself Facilitator

▫️ Certified HeartMath Coach and Facilitator

Janet Macaluso, Ed.M., MSOD, CPC

I've invested decades learning what works - and what doesn't - so you won't have to.