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This is so average

December 09, 20231 min read


It's Year-End season at work! 

Ready to celebrate with self-assessments, evaluations, calibrations, and rewards (or not)?

Ready to unwrap your performance rating?

Because you've been plotted on the jingle-Bell-Curve!  🔔 

And the majority of people will be rated as ... AVERAGE!

In 1950, the U.S. Air Force used this average thinking too.

🛩️ Until ... 17 pilots crashed in ONE day.

So they conducted a comprehensive investigation. 🆘

They measured ten body dimensions from 4000 pilots so they could redesign the cockpit for the the average profile.


A one-size-fits-all cockpit wouldn't work. 

Every... Single... Pilot...

Possessed a uniquely 'jagged profile.' ⛰️ 

If they redesigned the cockpit for the average pilot, it'd be designed for no one. 

You have jagged edges, me too.

Don't polish off your edges to fit a bell curve that fails to nurture your unique inherent potential.    

👇The End of Average👇
Todd Rose

Imagine... if we all seek to appreciate the Essence of every person, patient, place, customer, and client in our conversations. 

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Janet Macaluso

Janet Macaluso, Ed.M., MSOD, CPC works with successful midlife Change Makers to help transform their success to significance. As a previous executive of leadership, learning, and organization design functions, Janet has equipped thousands of global leaders to grow and evolve their leadership, businesses, and causes. Her unique anti-hero approach combines modern science and ancient wisdom to navigate constant change in flux. In addition to breaking the spell of the "old story," Janet is keenly interested in a regenerative, interconnected, nonviolent future. Her deep and broad experience includes: ▫️Masters in Education, Harvard ▫️MS in Organization Development, Pepperdine ▫️Organization Design ️️Advanced Certificate, USC ▫️BRAINZ Top 500 in 2021 ▫️Certified High-Performance Coach ▫️Certified Tiny Habits Coach ▫️Certified Immunity2CHANGE Facilitator ▫️Certified Professional Retirement Coach ▫️Certified Search Inside Yourself Facilitator ▫️Certified HeartMath Facilitator

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