
Here are the recent articles I wrote for BRAINZ.


Time For A Pronoun Paradigm Shift?

During a recent large online meeting, I felt different. Like I didn’t get the memo saying: “Post pronouns beside your name.” If all those talented Harvard alumni women posted their pronouns, I should too, right? Me2.


Top Ways Leaders Manage Conflict And Reduce the Cortisol-Related Stress Response

Nested within a wide circle of family, colleagues, and community systems, we humans find health, happiness, and meaningful purpose. And sometimes, friction.


It's All In Your Head – Cultivating Conscious Conversations

When you inaccurately imagine something, “It’s all in your head.” It’s also what the car mechanic thinks when you complain about that clicking sound that mysteriously disappears during the inspection.


What’s Worse? Scary Movie 3 Or “We Have To Talk”?

Does “We Have to Talk” trigger an inner primal scream? Perhaps you’ve heard these ominous 4-words from...

  • The Boss: “I have some feedback”
  • A Partner: “It’s me, not you”
  • Garage Mechanic: “It’s the transmission”
  • Child's teacher: “About their behavior”


Do You Have A Clearing Disorder?

Have you ever complained about busy work distracting you from strategic, high-impact projects and planning? You’re not alone!


Silence Your Perfectionista

Did you get all that? If English is your native language, most likely you understood it, errors and all. Spelling mistakes did not materially impact the outcome.


Being grateful and generous

November 23, 20230 min read


Happy Thanksgiving! 🍂🍁🥧🦃🍽️

Even if you don't celebrate this favorite American tradition, I’d like to express my gratitude for being able to do this work.

Doing a Gratitude Practice increases happiness and reduces stress.

Yet... Gratitude is the Beginner's practice.

Generosity is the Advanced practice.

Generosity calls us to unselfishly give to or serve others - a Big Heart practice!

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Janet Macaluso

Janet Macaluso, Ed.M., MSOD, CPC works with successful midlife Change Makers to help transform their success to significance. As a previous executive of leadership, learning, and organization design functions, Janet has equipped thousands of global leaders to grow and evolve their leadership, businesses, and causes. Her unique anti-hero approach combines modern science and ancient wisdom to navigate constant change in flux. In addition to breaking the spell of the "old story," Janet is keenly interested in a regenerative, interconnected, nonviolent future. Her deep and broad experience includes: ▫️Masters in Education, Harvard ▫️MS in Organization Development, Pepperdine ▫️Organization Design ️️Advanced Certificate, USC ▫️BRAINZ Top 500 in 2021 ▫️Certified High-Performance Coach ▫️Certified Tiny Habits Coach ▫️Certified Immunity2CHANGE Facilitator ▫️Certified Professional Retirement Coach ▫️Certified Search Inside Yourself Facilitator ▫️Certified HeartMath Facilitator

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