Does this sound like you?
You're a Change Agent, Trailblazer, Practical Visionary.
Pursuing extraordinary outcomes.
Yet it's hard to evolve when...
Everyone. around. you. stays. the. same.
You're seeking transformational change.
Complexity Fitness for a Complex and Teetering World
We cannot make the
REINVENT and REGENERATE Your Self and System
Best Future Self Now ™
1-on-1 Development
Being & Becoming™
a Regenerative Leader
Business & Beyond™
Capabilities, Culture,
Don't fight current reality.
Surpass the old model.
With a uniquely
DevelopmentALL process
See the New Economy Worldview
Validated with modern science
Sourced from Indigenous wisdom
Designed for insight, innovation, and un-learning
Grounded in the Harvard Change Pentad
Built on a solid track record of success
Meet Janet Macaluso, Learning2LEAD Founder
I help Leaders, Teams and Change Makers build new practices and routines. My anti-hero methodology creates a space to ...
... break automatic, outdated habits
... design new patterns and new worlds
... eliminate energy-draining waste
... design transformational change
... diagnose challenges, mysteries, messes
... deliver exceptional systemic results
As a previous executive of leadership, learning, and organization design functions, I've equipped thousands of global leaders to grow their leadership, businesses, and causes.
Yet I've reinvented my traditional "best practices" approach and replaced it with a unique "self-determining" technology. Instead of offering "expert-based" solutions, I now build inner capabilities: critical thinking, deep discernment, and WILLpower.
It's a conscious-building methodology - because there's no playbook or textbook to navigate constant change and flux.
After experiencing the value of Regenerative Business Development, I invested seven years in developing myself at the Carol Sanford Institute:
... The Change Agent Development Community
... The Regenerative Women Entrepreneurs
... The Regenerative Educator
... The Regenerative Economic Community
... Regenerative Boards
... Regenerative Business Development
Janet's experience includes:
▫️ Masters in Education, Harvard
▫️ Master of Science, Pepperdine
▫️ Advanced Certificate in Organization Design, USC
▫️ BRAINZ Top 500 in 2021 and 2022
▫️ Certified Professional Coach, IPEC
▫️ Certified High-Performance Coach
▫️ Certified Tiny Habits Coach
▫️ Certified Navigating Transitions Coach
▫️ Certified Immunity2CHANGE Facilitator
▫️ Certified Professional Retirement Coach
▫️ Certified Search Inside Yourself Facilitator
▫️ Certified Energy Leadership Master Practitioner
▫️ Certified HeartMath Coach and Facilitator
Meet Bill Reed
Internationally recognized pioneer, practitioner, teacher, and authority in integrative systems design, sustainability, and regenerative community planning and implementation
Bill is a principal in Regenesis and The Place Fund – organizations working to lift human activities into full integration and evolution with living systems.
His work centers on creating and implementing a whole and living-systems engagement and design process; realizing exponential value to the qualities of life within projects, communities, and their ecosystem.
An author of technical articles and contributor to many books on green design, Bill is also a co-author of the seminal work, “Integrative Design Guide to Green Building.”
He is a founding Board of Director of the US Green Building Council, a co-developer of the LEED Green Building Rating System, and is considered one of the leading thinkers and explorers in this field, Bill has consulted on hundreds of green design commissions and regenerative development engagements.
Bill frequently speaks at major planning, building, and design events as well as guest-lectures at universities throughout Europe and North America including Harvard, Yale, University of British Columbia, Universidad Iberoamericana, MIT, Princeton and UPenn. Regenesis Group -Partnering people with their places to regenerate ecosystems and the human spirit.
I share what I'm learning,
un-learning, and occasional invitations, free webinars, and early-bird notices.
Uplevel your
communications - even
you'd rather avoid
Uplevel your communications
- even those undiscussables
you'd rather avoid
After a ghostly night of trick-or-treating with my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and Dracula...
Peace and quiet? Now, that was spooky.
So I tiptoed into the living room to find ...
My highly analytical Dracula (obsessed with mutual funds and the legality of insurance) organizing his candy stash alphabetically.
My Ninja Turtle, wearing the same lime green costume for the third consecutive year, hid under the coffee table, sniffing his candy booty.
Every Halloween, I remember this heartwarming image that captured the unique Essence of each boy.
We all have an Essence -- the unique "You-ness" at birth that guides us toward and away from things and activities.
The ancient Norse term describing this mystical, sacred concept is Wyrd
Pronounced as weird
A noun, as in You have a Wyrd
With the same roots as the Old English verb weorðan – to become
So, time to ask the spooky question...
Are you living and leading in coherence with your weird Wyrd?
If not now, when? Time is of the Essence.
Here are the articles I wrote for BRAINZ.
Time For A Pronoun Paradigm Shift?
During a recent large online meeting, I felt different. Like I didn’t get the memo saying: “Post pronouns beside your name.” If all those talented Harvard alumni women posted their pronouns, I should too, right? Me2.
Top Ways Leaders Manage Conflict And Reduce the Stress Response
Nested within a wide circle of family, colleagues, and community systems, we humans find health, happiness, and meaningful purpose. And sometimes, friction.
It's All In Your Head – Cultivating Conscious Conversations
When you inaccurately imagine something, “It’s all in your head.” It’s also what the car mechanic thinks when you complain about that clicking sound that mysteriously disappears during the inspection.
What’s Worse? Scary Movie 3 Or “We Have To Talk”?
Does “We Have to Talk” trigger an inner primal scream? Perhaps you’ve heard these ominous 4-words from...
The Boss: “I have some feedback”
A Partner: “It’s me, not you”
Garage Mechanic: “It’s the transmission”
Child's teacher: “About their behavior”
Do You Have A Clearing Disorder?
Have you ever complained about busy work distracting you from strategic, high-impact projects and planning? You’re not alone!
Silence Your Perfectionista
Did you get all that? If English is your native language, most likely you understood it, errors and all. Spelling mistakes did not materially impact the outcome.